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Monday, 6 May 2013

15 Snacks You Eat At Work That Take You Way Too Long To Burn Off The Calories


By James Fell
Many of us are mindless eaters. The office is especially bad for this, but do you realize just how many calories you're consuming with one effortless grab? Perhaps more importantly, do you realize just how much exercise it takes to burn those things off? Here's a metabolic chart using three popular forms of exercise: running, cycling and weightlifting, in order to determine how long it takes to burn off 15 snacks if you're a 180-pound dude.
For this 180-pound man, the following (roughly) applies:
-- 1 hour of intense weightlifting burns 450 calories
-- 1 hour of moderately fast cycling (14-16 mph) burns 750 calories per hour
-- 1 hour of fairly fast running (8 mph) burns 1,000 calories per hour
Interestingly enough, we're basing our calculations off calories and not fat because fat doesn't matter as much as calories in terms of how long it takes to burn off. The reality is that calories -- not fat -- show things that people think might not be so bad (like pretzels) can actually be really bad.
Fat is only an issue if it's trans fats. If you're not overweight, then the amount of fat in your diet (as long as not trans) is not that big a deal. The calories are where you're wasting your gym time.


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