Infolinks Minimum Payout Now $50
One of ten major problem most of newbie blogger face with an ad network is minimum Payout. Since, newbie blogger doesn’t have much traffic, it takes time for them to reach the min. payout amount to get paid. Thaks to Infolinks, who lowered down infolinks minimum Payout and now it’s moved down to $50.
Some time back I have given you Infolinks review and payment details. Infolinks is in-text
advertising solutions and its minimum payout was 100$. Today Infolinks changed their policies and now they are lower down the minimum payout from 100$ to 50$.
This is good for small publishers as they can easily check out money from infolinks. Meanwhile infolinks pay by Paypal
Seems like it’s a win-win situation for infolinks and publishers, as small publishers like us can easily check out money at the end of month.
According to official blog announcement :
Update your selected form of payment today to Payoneer (Offering the new Infolinks prepaid MasterCard and automatic ACH) or PayPal and enjoy a lower payment threshold of $50.